The Thoughtful Classroom Works!

The Strategic Teacher

The Strategic Teacher:
Selecting the Right Research-Based Strategy for Every Lesson

Harvey F. Silver, Richard W. Strong, and Matthew J. Perini

Grades K-12 $27.95

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We are confident that The Thoughtful Classroom will make a significant difference in your school because it has worked for so many schools and districts across the country. Here are some of the results of our partnerships:

  • In Maine SAD #37, the number of 4th- and 8th-grade students who met or exceeded standards on the state test increased 28.25% in a 2-year period.
  • In Liverpool, NY, pass rates among at-risk 8th-grade students climbed an average of 18.5% in math and science, while pass rates among at-risk 9th-grade students increased by 28% in English and 30% in science.
  • Since 2003, Elizabethtown H.S. has raised student achievement across all content areas by an average of 13.1 points – to become the sixth-highest performing high school in KY.
  • In Geneva, NY, The Thoughtful Classroom played an instrumental role in helping the district win the prestigious US Dept. of Education’s Model Professional Development Award.
  • KY’s number one and number three districts in terms of districts with greatest gains were GRREC Thoughtful Education participants.

To learn more about these success stories, please call
800-962-4432 and ask us for a specific case study.